An excessive number of individuals still spend a long time to plan the ideal site, just to launch their fresh out of the box new site for their customers.
Don’t worry, take your time to create a website, and make sure to follow these SEO rules while building. If you are launching the website for your client, we recommend you to create an awesome coming soon page.
If you don’t have the time to create a coming soon page, you can try Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode plugin if you are using WordPress.
You can find a lot of Coming Soon Plugins for WordPress in the web but why you can opt this plugin over others? We have some solid reasons. Here we go with the 5 reasons why Coming Soon and Maintenance Mode Plugin is the best choice for you.
- Its Free to Use
Coming Soon and Maintenance Mode Plugin is one of the quality coming soon page creation plugin available for free. You can download the Plugin from WordPress directory for free. It comes with some limitations but works. If you are willing to pay some money, you will get the industry best coming soon plugin.
- Supports All Themes and WordPress Versions
This is a must have of any type of WordPress plugins. Minimal Coming Soon & Maintenance Mode plugin from WebFactory supports all themes and WordPress versions 4.0 or higher.It was tested up to the versions 4.9.8.
- 400,000+ Images
If you buy the Plugin premium version, you can use 400,000+ images to design the coming soon page as per your needs. Also comes with 60+ themes, 26+ awesome Instagram filters, and 47+ content animations. You can even add Google Maps.
- Collect Email from the Beginning
I’m sure you know the importance of the email marketing. We recommend everyone to collect emails from the beginning. If you are a user of Coming Soon and Maintenance Mode Plugin, you won’t need to find another tool to implement email collection box. You can easily connect MailChimp API so that you can collect emails from visitors. Don’t worry, it’s fully GDPR compliant.
- Easy to Use
You won’t need to be an expert to use the plugin. It is simple and flexible that anyone can use. You can easily rearrange position with drag and drop function of the page elements to your liking. Also, you have the option to preview the coming soon or maintenance page before activation.