
SmartBlend Portable Blenders

Why you are going about your busy daily, you seldom find the time to do little things around you in order to do things that you think are more important. As an example, you ought to prefer shoes with no laces because tying laces takes time and effort. The world has gotten so fast, you use toasters to toast your bread and coffee maker to makes you coffee. Whenever a need arises, there is always an invention there to take care of it. Let’s talk about preparing food; blenders are also important in our lives as they help us prepare some quality beverages. The only downfall is that most of these blenders are huge and you possibly cannot carry them around with you. This is where our portable blenders kick in.

With our portable blenders, you will be able to save your time and carry these around everywhere you go. If not being able to maintain your daily intake calories was due to not finding time to prepare something for yourself then you have found your savior.

If you are embarrassed that someone might see you carrying a bulky and heavy blender around and worry that someone might make fun of you then you do have to worry about it. The design is appealing and while carrying these portable blenders you will not look like you are about to open a milkshake stall.

These blenders are not only small and easy to carry but they are also good looking. There are six different colors that you can choose from as per your preferences; black, blue, green, purple, pink and red color which is a limited edition.

The minimalistic design gives the portable blenders an attractive look and they are very easy to carry so that you can take them anywhere you want to.  No more embarrassment, show it to other people proudly and with confidence!

You can blend anything in it just like you would blend in the blender a home. Portable blenders can be used anywhere so you do not have to worry if you have finished your drink, throw in something you like and blend it as you desire.

If you are an office worker, you will find the portable blenders to be convenient. Let’s be honest, you crave something good to go along with your lunch at work. With portable blenders, you will be able to blend your favorite fruits and enjoy a healthy drink. It is as easy to carry as you would carry any other water bottle with you.

If you are a frequent at gym then you should know that the portable blenders are a must have. You can carry them with you to the gym and can blend your protein shakes on-the-go. Put it in your workout bag along with your protein mixtures. Now you will not run out of juice when working out hard at the gym.

That is not all, you can take your portable blender with you wherever you go. Love travelling? Take the portable blender with you on your trip. Enjoy the juices of the exotic fruits that you find on your trip, keep yourself hydrated and enjoy your trip. This blender can fit in your luggage easily and you can fire it up whenever you want. These portable blenders can your best travel companions.

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Using the portable blender is not a rocket science and it is really easy to get around.

The portable blenders are chargeable so make sure you charge it for 2 to 3 hours, the battery lasts for the whole day. When you are about to use it, make sure that the base of the portable blender is nice and tight so that the contents that you put in it do not leak, especially liquids.

It is time make something good! Pour something like milk or water in it and add small pieces vegetables or fruits in it. Now, the fun part! When you are done adding your desired contents to the portable blender, turn it upside down and turn on the blender. Slowly but steadily, bring it back to its original position. The blender cuts and minces the small pieces of vegetables and fruits thoroughly. Bet you could not do it with your blender at home!

When you are done blending, add some ice to the portable blender if you like and blend again if you like your beverage cold.

Just to be on the safe side, do not add chunks of fruits and vegetables that are too big otherwise they will not get blended. Also, do not add pieces of ice that are too big to the blender; they will do nothing but block the blades from rotating and even damage them. If you are adding ice anyway, make sure that you add some liquid along with it.

This should go without saying but because it is an electronic gadget, you cannot put in into dishwasher. That will be a bad idea and you will end up destroying it. When you are about to drink from the portable blender, make sure that it is turned. It is better that you pour the contents of blender into a glass or a cup, just to be on the safe side.

Portable blenders are fun gadgets that can bring ease to your life. You do not have to face to complication of sitting there like a duck and shaking away on those shakers to make yourself a drink. Just throw the contents into the portable blender and blend it away. You will feel relieved to have made choice and bought the portable blender. It is not only fun to use these but you can impress your colleagues at work, they will be amazed after seeing you blend your drink in the portable blenders.

A portable blenders save your time and energy while providing you the best results; you get to enjoy your favorite blends anywhere you go. Just throw in the contents and blend it, life will never be the same again!

If you’re ready to make your life easier, just click on the hyperlink and go to the store to purchase yours today. At only $69.99 AUD, they are a bargain. Not only that, but they come with free standard Australian shipping so you don’t need to pay for that. There is a 30 day money-back guarantee, so you can purchase in confidence.