
Ways To Incorporate Premium Products Into Your Merchandise Mix

Below, we have separated some tips that can help you incorporate wholesale premium products (ขายส่ง สินค้า พ รี เมี่ ยม which is the term in Thai) in your product mix and, thus, offer differentiated merchandise to your customers. Check out!

  1. Offer Smaller Sized Packages

As they are usually more expensive items, a good tip for your supermarket is to offer premium products in smaller sizes. For example, who has never seen a smaller Pringles potato carton? It comes out at a cheaper price, and yet it makes the customer feel positive. After all, he knows he has just purchased a premium product.

Of course, this is just an example, but it can be replicated on several premium merchandise. Sometimes the premium product is the “luxury” of the purchase, and that luxury doesn’t have to come in “family size.” It’s enough to fulfill desires at that moment or, more than that, make the customer have the possibility of getting to know brands he believed were inaccessible.

  1. Know What Your Customer Is Looking For

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You must know what your customer is looking for when shopping at your supermarket. In this scenario, good customer management and a complete understanding of your consumer are essential.

With a complete CBM (Consumer Behavior Management – ​​Consumer Behavior Management) software, you have access to the purchase history and the entire profile of each registered customer.

That way, you can segment your customers until you find out which ones tend to buy prime meats from your butcher shop with reasonable frequency. Once that’s done, how about sending them an exclusive offer via SMS, inviting them to meet premium cuts of meat?

Ps: again, as in the top topic, this is just one example of how you can encourage your customer’s consumption of premium products. Always remember to know your consumer’s profile and, based on that, segment your campaigns and develop your actions.