
Eye Care (kids): Have You Gone through It

The childhood age where there is nothing to worry about and all the moments of life are enjoyed with full enthusiasm. But kids are so gentle that they need care and pamper time to time then whether it is their skin care or their eye care. Everything is important as these matters for their lives in the future. There are many sources for the stuff to make your kid comfortable and to fight against the dire health issues, like Canada online store from where you can have the prescribed and non- prescribed medicines at a low cost and at your doorsteps. But that’s ok, as a said precaution is better than cure. For curing local and online stores are available but there are a few points that parents or elders must go through to make sure their future eyes are healthy.

Two to four children are seen to develop squint and /or amblyopia. And this is s bad news for all of us. Early detection and proper treatment are very necessary to reduce the risk of permanent vision loss. In many of the cases, the child can’t see properly from one his eye, this is because the brain of the child doesn’t receive the images from that eye and the brain will shut off that eye. Why we let all this to happen. There should be strict rules of eye examinations in the schools so that early detection helps in early treatment.

How daily cares can help in a child’s eye care:

  • Diet– The basic thing that a kid needs to deal with the whole day. Emphasizing the green leafy vegetables like beetroot, drumsticks and fresh fruits that are rich in vitamin A helps in making the eye healthy.
  • VDU’s– Visual display unit that includes television and computer screens, are nowadays more responsible for the vision loss or weakness of eyes in children. Avoid watching TV and mobiles in a dark room. Headaches blur vision and watering are some of the problems that arise because of doing this. Putting the screen of TV or computer lower or level of the eyes helps you in reducing the stress in eyes.
  • Allergies– Never ignore any kind of allergies in kid’s eyes. Ignoring it may cause the future problems in a dangerous way. So proper treatment is needed for it.
  • Swimming– While swimming put swimming goggles that prevent irritation due to chlorine and reduces the chances of infection. Never ignore it for your child’s eye care.
  • Newborn– For newborn applying kajal, washing eyes with rose water and with normal water is absolutely a big NO.
  • UV light– As exposure to sunlight is important for the intake of vitamin D but too much exposure can be harmful to the eyes. To protect your eyes wear UV filtering sunglasses or brimmed hats.
  • Lightening– Proper light is needed for the kids while reading or studying. Proper light helps in reducing stress in the eyes.