
Wrongful Death Lawyers – Cartwright Law Firm

Life is uncertain and takes a wrong turn anytime without giving any warning. Accidents are often unavoidable, and not everyone is lucky enough to survive them. A person can be at the wrong place at a wrong time, its pure bad luck. But when the accident which causes the death of a loved one, is caused due to negligent,  criminal intent or due to the fault of another person, it is highly recommended for the family of the deceased to approach wrongful death attorneys such as Cartwright Law Firm.

Cartwright Law Firm represents families and dependants of victims of wrongful death killed in fatal accidents involving gross negligence, criminal intent includes but not limited to deaths caused in car accidents, truck accidents, motorcycles accidents, swimming pool accidents, food poisoning related deaths etc.

Although no amount of money can compensate for the loss of a family member. Cartwright Law Firm can help provide the families a sense of justice and closure and the financial compensation which can financially assist the affected families from loss of income and benefits the deceased person might have earned over his lifetime, covering funeral expenses and other medical expenses that might be needed to overcome the trauma of loss of a loved one.

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Cartwright Law Firm states that wrongful death cases are not just about negligence, but they are about the person who was taken away from their families and loved ones. Using a highly effective, personal technique using multi-media technology that tells the story of the deceased and the impact the loss made on those who are left behind, by giving a name and a face to our loved ones lets jurors understand our clients’ injury and how it cannot be replaced.

Cartwright Law Firm also assist families and dependents of the deceased where resistance profit-driven insurance companies are involved, building a fair case to ensure the affected families are not fleeced into taking a less than adequate settlement by the insurance companies, especially in cases involving motor vehicle accidents and workers compensations policies.

Cartwright Law Firm is known for clubbing all its resources and knowledge for working for families of the deceased. Cartwright Law Firm charges fees as a percentage of compensation awarded and the case shall be treated as pro bono in case of a loss.