
man hair growth

The growth rate of curls is controlled by hormones. Some help to quickly make a long hairstyle, others lead to hair loss. Boys have slower hair growth than girls. Properly grow men hair after a short haircut interfere: hereditary factor, constant stress, hard physical work, lack of vitamins, minerals.

Having decided to grow long and thick hair, you should consider the features.

Men’s hair is greaser than women’s one. This is due to the hormone testosterone, which speeds up the sebaceous glands. This is especially noticeable in adolescents during puberty.

Guys have stiffer hair also due to the action of testosterone, and slow growth is provided by the androgen hormone.

If the guy is predisposed to baldness, this is noticeable even in the puberty period. Thin hairs will grow on the place of the lost ones, and after a few years the growth will stop, the guy will become bald.

How much time does it take for medium hair in Manhattan? If you cut after dreadlocks in order to quickly grow long hair, you need to eliminate the influence of hormones and prevent thinning. This will not work in a week, the growth process is gradual.

The following tips are helpful:

– Comb every day. This will not only allow the young man to look tidy, but also stimulate the blood circulation of the scalp and distribute sebaceous secretions along the entire length of the hair, which provides protection;
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– Do not wash your hair too often. It is enough to do this 2 times a week. Daily washing removes greasy protection from the hair shaft, deprives of moisture. The glands begin to work more actively, the strands quickly become oily;

– Rinse your head with warm or cool water. Hot water causes the scales disclosure of the hair shaft, and the curls lose moisture;

– Use additional “growth activators”. Special shampoos, conditioners, masks, hair sprays;

– You need to cut your hair at least 1 – 2 times a year. Not quite short, but just trim the tips;

– Do not get carried away with chemical treatments: hair dryer, styling products, varnishes, foams, gels. They negatively affect, and it will not help to quickly grow hair.

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