
The best of the Skin Treatments At Your Fingertips now

Cleaning your skin (with soap, gel or even lotion for those who practice) not only serves to rid your face of impurities, but alas also helps to remove the protective lipid layer from the face.Clearly, when you cleanse, you make the skin more vulnerable to dryness, especially when your skin is a little dry at the start. With アイハーブプロモコード you can find the choices now.

For Oily Skin

For oily skin, this is the rebound effect, rid of its sebum, including that which protects the skin; it produces a double dose to reconstitute what has been lost. And oily skin is never regulated.

The protective layer of fat that we all have allows us to have more comfortable skin (if it pulled all day as after an aggressive exfoliation, imagine the level of comfort), to make it age better and above all, to preserve its quality.

Otherwise, you can get scabs, red patches; in short, it is not pleasant and sometimes painful.

The benefits of a good day cream

  • The day cream is applied after cleansing the face. Putting on a day cream therefore keeps your skin hydrated, but also allows it to solve a few small problems.
  • Indeed, a day cream can also be formulated for pimples, combination, sensitive skin and then allow your skin to fight against minor blemishes.
  • In addition, for those who wear make-up, a good day cream helps to hold the foundation better, but also prepares the skin for receiving other cosmetic products.

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How to choose a good day cream?

The right day cream depends on your skin type

It all depends on your skin type, but also on the problems you may encounter.Weknow, it’s not easy to know your skin type and the tests you find in magazines or on the internet are frankly not super useful.

To put it simply, skin that very often pulls or peels in winter is dry skin, skin that shines all over its surface and that gives the impression of a mask when it is spread on foundation is more in the skins camp oily.

Skin that shines on the T-zone (forehead, nose, chin), but doesn’t feel anything special on the cheeks (it doesn’t shine, you don’t have pimples or anything else) is mixed.

Sensitive skin is not necessarily reddened skin; it is above all a skin that does not support anything (allergies, flush, diseases like rosacea, dermatitis) and whose products must be carefully chosen.

Obviously, with all this, you can also have problems such as acne pimples, micro-cysts, redness, pimple scars or spots. The list can unfortunately be long. For this, someday creams do the job, but very often it is necessary to use targeted care.

The right day cream has a suitable texture

The day cream will be creamy in texture for dry or sensitive skin, and rather gel for oily or combination skin. For more info, you can go and review the special article on dry skin or the one dedicated to imperfections.You can use the use USA iHerb Coupon there now in purchasing the right medicines.