
What is the most important factor in SEO

A lot of bloggers and ecommerce store owners are stuck with this question. They keep wondering what the most important factor in SEO is. Most of the so called SEO experts and digital marketers might tell you it is the right use of keyword or link building. Many might suggest you black hat methods like PBN (private blogging network). PBN might get you penalized by Google.

So what actually is the most important factor in SEO

Well it is not keywords or backlinks then what is it. Do not get it wrong. Keywords and backlinks are some of the most important factors maybe second and third most important. You might have already guessed it by now. The most important factor in SEO is –


Content is the most important factor for SEO. Content is the most important factor in everything you can say.

Why content matters so much

Content matters a lot because content is the only thing that keeps visitors on your page. If your visitors find your content boring or irrelevant they would leave the site instantly. Content helps you build credibility and gain trust of the people. If people find your content useful, they would love to buy your products as well.

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How it helps in SEO

Google’s algorithm RankBrain monitors the average time spend by visitors on your page for a particular keyword. If it notices that people are leaving your page instantly after clicking on your link, it would drop your ranking for that keyword.

The only way to make visitors spend more time on your webpage is to create content that is relevant to user’s query and provides value.

Do take experts’ help

You should also take help from an SEO company[บริษัท ทำ seo, which is the term in Thai]. It is the best idea to take some help when you are just starting out.